With credit card security being a major concern, it is important to ensure your customers’ identity and personal information is protected. With PCI, or Payment Card Industry, there are compliance standards that are put in place to help protect personal information, ensuring security when payments made with a card are processed.

The PCI Standards

In order for a retailer to be deemed compliant, there are specific PCI standards that they must comply by:

  • Maintain a secure network by installing a firewall.
  • Protect cardholder data while stored and transmitted.
  • Maintain and stay up-to-date on anti-virus software.
  • Restrict access to cardholder information.
  • Regularly monitor and test networks that store cardholder information.
  • Implement a company information security policy.

The first step in PCI compliance is to meet the above standards. Failing to comply can result in major consequences to your business. By allowing a company like First MCS to ensure your compliance, you can rest assured you are always compliant, avoiding fines from credit card companies and the banks, as well as prevent the loss of the ability to process credit cards.


EMV was originally created by Europay, MasterCard, and Visa in order to provide added security and protection to consumers who use credit and debit cards. This technical standard utilizes a chip and PIN, or chip and signature technology, as well as for the payment terminals and automated teller machines that accept these smart cards.

The use of this smart-based credit card processing systems has quickly gained importance, especially since this technology provides improved security against fraud, as well as better control of offline credit card transaction approvals, providing the highest level of protection to your customers.

Merchant Services in St. Charles, IL and Nationwide

If your business could benefit from our merchant services, contact our team at First MCS to set up a merchant account with us. We offer a variety of programs and services that will streamline your payment processing and help you manage financial matters safely and securely.

You can Send us a Message or give us a Call at (866) 673-3099 to learn more about how our merchant services can help your local business.

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